Juggling Two Littles and Expecting a New One...
I love my job of being a mommy, But when I found out the surprise news of having another my heart sank. I thought to myself... How will I do with three? Especially three under the age of four years old and two of the kids under the age of two. I am now going to be out numbered on a daily basis. This scared me and honestly put me into panic mode. All of these awful thoughts came pouring over me. Will I be a good mom to all of them? Will I be able to keep my cool when it's "One of those days?" Will I ever have "Me" time again? As I processed these questions it then hit me... I can do this and I will do this just as so many women before me have. I don't deny that it will be hard and exhausting and that some days I will want to pull my hair out but the greatest gift of all is the gift of being a mom. How blessed am I that God chose me to birth and be home with three beautiful children.
Being Pregnant and all things that come with it...
My first pregnancy with my son Liam went so smoothly. I had a little bit of morning sickness at the beginning but overall the whole pregnancy was a breeze. I craved fruit and veggies the whole pregnancy until the end. Then all I wanted was ice cream. But I kept my weight gain down to 27lbs. Of course at the end I was ready to be done but who isn't at that point. There were a couple of bumps along the way but nothing that I couldn't handle. We did a gender reveal baby shower where we indeed found out it was a boy we were having. My husband thought for sure it was going to be a girl but I knew that I was carrying a boy. Even my birthing experience was pretty awesome. I had music playing, lots of friends and family surrounding me and my biggest support my hubby there right by my side. I was able to get my son out in three pushes. His apgar was a 9 and we were home in the after the normal two day stay.
My second Pregnancy was also a pretty easy pregnancy. Though with this pregnancy I had major hip pain, was exhausted from chasing a toddler, and I showed early on. I worked out the whole time, in fact I did Kaia until the day before I went into labor with my daughter. With her there was no morning sickness but ALL I wanted were sweets. The experience was completely opposite of my first pregnancy. Even the delivery was different. I didn't have music this time around, my doctor didn't believe I was in labour and decided to leave the hospital for hours after I was admitted. After I was dilated to a 10 I had to wait to push until he came back and he didn't come alone. He had two students with him. He was on vacation when I delivered my first child so he wasn't aware how fast I could get my baby out. He asked me to push and I did and she was almost out in ONE push. He asked me to slow down because he wasn't ready. The awesome thing was he did let me deliver her and that was pretty amazing. We did not get to go home in the normal two days like we did with Liam. Harper had some breathing issues when she was born but we were thankful her pediatrician was on call that night and was able to see her right away. Harper wouldn't breathe on her own if she wasn't stimulated which was the scariest thing I have ever witnessed. I felt helpless and seeing nurses have to work on your daughter to get her to breathe and force tubes down her is an experience I wish upon no parent. She was sent home with a sleep apnea machine that would beep loudly every time she would stop. A year later she is doing great and is growing beautifully.
This pregnancy I have been quite tired and sick. I have had migraines that have put me in bed for the rest of the day. I am grumpy and my patience is tested and very short most of the time. I am still exercising religiously and still coaching girls through their fitness journey. My hope for this pregnancy is that I can still be the fun mom that my kids know and love and not be so grumpy. So far nothing has worked to make my migraines go away. But I am entering my second trimester next week so I am hoping they will subside for good. My goal for this pregnancy is to continue to workout like I did with Harper and work on keeping my muscle mass. We will see how it goes. What are your tricks for staying healthy and being a mom of littles while pregnant? I would love to hear from you! If you want to follow my progress and get fitness tips check out my FB page The Diary of a Fitness Mom.
That's it for now...stay tuned for my next post....
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