I was on my way to work this morning and as I was driving I was thinking about all the people who are in my life. The different struggles each one has in their life and how they face them. Some are Christians and some are non-believers and well some are just confused about all of it. I think a lot of people look at Christianity as an easier life. Let's face the facts here. Just because one has faith in the Lord does not mean life will be easier and there won't be any struggles. We learn to face them differently is all.
A dear friend of mine is a Christian but right now she is faced with sitting by her husbands side as he waits to meet Jesus. She is okay with that because she knows he knows Jesus and he is ready. Her Faith in God shines even through her heartache.
Then there is (for privacy purposes we will call in Mike). Mike is more of an acquaintance. This year Mike and his family have had curve ball after curve ball thrown at him. Now, the latest one is watching his baby girl fight for her life against cancer. He feels like he has nothing left in him that he is completely depleted. I am not sure where Mike's beliefs are but from what I know he doesn't believe. Though he feels alone in all of this what he doesn't realize is God is right next to him catching every tear and holding his little girl in His arms. Prayers go up for them on a daily basis. May this Christmas season be an awakening for them all. I know his little girl is a fighter and she will continue to fight as long as she can. Then you come across those people who are having hardships in their lives whether it be in their marriage or in their home life. The Faith that some have that God will redeem their marriage and know that God is that powerful no matter how bad things may get is such a beautiful thing. It has made me think about how I would feel if I were in that kind of situation. It is a true test of love and Faith.
Then there is B. She has recently come to know Jesus. It has been amazing adventure to see her grow the way she has. I think back to when she would hear me blab on about my Faith and she listened but for her it wasn't anything great. Hearing her testimony that God came to her and she didn't come to Him is mind boggling. She gets it. It brings tears to my eyes. To see how God is a healer and a redeemer! AMAZING!!!!!
So being a Christian isn't easy nor does it mean all your problems will go away. You also may get hurt by other Christians sometimes too because being a Christian doesn't make anyone perfect nor good. Non of us are good, we are filthy and continue to sin everyday. But the Faith that Jesus Christ bared all that on the cross because He knew we never could is a blessing!!!! Where does your Faith lye? Is your glass half empty or half full? What are you living for???
Until Next Time...